Cross-session debugging enables you to use Character Animator in a different terminal window to that in which the program
to be debugged is running. With cross-session debugging, Character Animator is started first in one session and left in a
waiting state; it then attaches to a program started in another session, as long as certain conditions are met. These are:
- The user IDs of the two sessions are the same.
- The TMPDIR environment variable is set to the same value for both the Character Animator process and the running program.
You associate the Character Animator process and the program using one of the following methods:
- Set the COBANIMSRV environment variable to the same value for both the Character Animator process and the program before you
start them.
- Start the Character Animator process and the program running in the same directory.
- Insert a call to CBL_DEBUG_START in the program; either specify an identifier string that matches the COBANIMSRV environment
variable for the Character Animator process, or run the program in the same directory as the Character Animator process.