23002 ERR LOOP LIMIT REACHED Loop Limit reached. The Loop Limit is a counter established by the programmer to limit the number of executions of each loop
construct, for example % R-V or % WHILE. The statement % SET LOOP-LIMIT sets the loop limit value. Use the Loop Limit as a
debugging aid to help find infinite loops.
23020 ERR SUBMEMBER NOT SUPP Conditional 'SUBMEMBER' statement not supported--that is, SUBMEMBER statements under an IF, ELSE-IF, or ELSE. SUBMEMBER statements
that delimit the start of a new and separate includable submember are the only valid SUBMEMBER statements. The remaining code
in the macro is skipped.
23031 ERR NO FILE NAME No input file specified. At least one of the two input files, MAININ and CARDIN, must be specified to supply input to drive
the macro processing.
23032 ERR WHILE LOADING DLL The expected macro control block was not found in the .DLL file of compiled macros when the .DLL was loaded. This is an internal error.
23035 ERR NO FILE LVL SYM FOR INCL Attempted to read a source file was attempted to be read but could not establish an internal symbol for the INCLUDE file.
Ensure that the DD name and member name (if any) are composed of characters that form a valid generator symbol name. Special
and national characters are not valid.
23036 ERR NO OPEN CODE FOR INCL Attempted to read a source file but there was either no 'open code' in the member--the open code is code that is not within
a submember or macro define--or there was no code for the submember (if specified).
23038 ERR BAD CODE SYM NAME BUILD Could not construct a valid internal symbolic name for the INCLUDE file or for the code with an INCLUDE file. Ensure that
the DD name, member name (if any) and submember name (if any) are composed of characters that could form a valid generator
symbol name. Special and national characters are not valid.
23041 ERR INV REPEAT UNTIL Invalid % REPEAT WHILE or UNTIL statement. Missing both blocks. See % REPEAT.
23042 ERR WRONG FILE TYPE Attempted to read a file but it was of the wrong type. Only source text files and DLLs of compiled macros can be included
using % INCLUDE.
23061 ERR EXEC UNDET FORM Op code string represents a source construct form that cannot be determined by the parser. To suppress this message, use the /ERROPT=(NOUNDETF)
23070 ERR INCOMPAT REL EXPR Incompatible expression types are being compared by a relational operator. For example, strings cannot be compared with numbers.
Hint: If an operand has no type, it may be an uninitialized formal argument or the name of a built-in function.
23080 ERR SET FATAL SET FATAL statement encountered. Processing is terminated as requested.
23093 ERR OP ARG NOT PTXTOBJ The opcode points to an invalid type. Expecting pointer to OPCODE, SYMDESC, MCB, or TXTOBJ. This in an internal error.
23100 ERR DIVIDE BY ZERO Attempt to divide by zero. The actual division is bypassed and the result is assigned a large number of the mathematically
appropriate sign.
23110 ERR SET STMT NOT IMPL SET string is not supported in this release. The statement has no effect. The SET statement is either obsolete or could not be implemented.
To suppress this message, use the /ERROPT=(NOUNIMPLSET) parameter.