IMS-5030-00-E (TP) No appropriate IO-PCB

A SEND or MSG-SW call required an alternate IO PCB with specific characteristics and the present program PSB cannot provide the appropriate PCB.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.


You must match the three independent criteria specified in (or allowed to default in) the call in a single IO PCB so AMB can choose it for the call. The criteria to select an IO PCB is:

  • If you specify an LTERM or TRANCODE in the call, either hard code LTERM/TRANCODE or define the PCB as modifiable. If you provide the trancode as a COBOL data name instead of a literal constant (recognized by an LTERM/TRANCODE greater than 8 characters), you can use a modifiable PCB only.
  • For a call that specifies EXPRESS, AMB requires an EXPRESS PCB (EXPRESS=YES on PCB statement in PSB source). If the call specifies NOEXPRESS (default), then AMB requires a non-express PCB.
    Note: For MSG-SW to reference an alternate IO PCB, define that PCB with EXPRESS=NO and MODIFY=YES.
  • For a call that specifies ALTRESP, AMB requires an ALTRESP PCB (ALTRESP=YES on PCB statement in PSB source). If the call specifies NOALTRESP, then AMB requires a nonaltresp PCB.

Review the call to determine the PCB requirements. Either modify the PSB to provide a PCB with appropriate options (and redefine the modified PSB to AMB DDI) or modify the call so that its PCB requirements meet an IO PCB that is available within the PSB. See Coding IMS DDI Statements.