To create a new database view

Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
  1. In the Database View Explorer of the AppMaster Builder perspective, right-click the Database View Files entry and select Add. The New Source dialog box appears. The current Source folder appears in the Source folder list. A default name for the new database view appears in the Name field.
  2. Type a meaningful name for the new database view in the Name field. Use these guidelines to help you choose an appropriate name:
    • IMS - Give the database view the same name as the PSB source file that contains the DBD names you want to load into the database view.
    • VSAM - Give the database view the same name as the name specified in the DDI SUB statement of the DDISRC file you want to load into this database view.
    • SQL DDL - If the SQL DDL source you intend to load and build into this database view contains a CREATE SUBSCHEMA statement, the name of the database view must be the same name as is specified in the CREATE SUBSCHEMA statement. If your SQL DDL does not contain a CREATE SUBSCHEMA statement, you can name the database view anything you choose.
    • SQL SUBSCHEMA - Choose a name that describes the collection of tables you want to reference in this database view. AppMaster Builder uses the name you assign here to generate a CREATE SUBSCHEMA statement for this database view.
  3. Click OK. The new database view appears in the Database View Explorer's list of database view files for the project.

Once you create a database view, you can create and edit it's data sources, and load those sources into the database file. You can also set properties for the database view. See To create new database source files and To set properties for a specific database view for more information.


You can also set properties for this database view from the Properties tab on the Data Views dialog box. Be sure to set the properties before you load the database view, and click Save/Build to save the settings for future sessions.

Default database view names are based on the folder where the database view is to be stored and a sequential number, which is incremented by one if the sequential number is saved to the database view name. For example, if adding two files and using the default names DSYM00 and DSYM01, the default name for the next database view in that location is DSYM02. If you change that database view name, the next database view also defaults to DSYM02.

Data view names can be a maximum eight characters.