CICS Supplied Transactions
The topics in this section detail the CICS transactions supplied with Enterprise Server for .NET.
CESF - Sign Off
Signs off from a terminal
CEBR - Browse Temporary Storage
Examines the contents of records in temporary storage or transient data queues.
CESN - Sign On
Signs on to a terminal.
CFCR - Create a File
Creates an empty file, if the file has previously been defined in the FCT.
CFMT - File Master Transaction
Opens, closes, enables, disables or inquires on a file.
CINQ - Inquire On ASSIGN Values
Displays a list of all the ASSIGN command values and their settings.
CINS - Install a Resource Group
Installs a resource or a group of resources.
CMAP - Display BMS Maps and Information
Displays the contents of a BMS map and displays information about the map and mapset.
CPMT - Inquire and Set Program Attributes
Displays the current attributes of the specified program for an inquire, and sets the specified program attribute.
CRUN - Generic Run Program
Invokes the specified program.
EXIT - Sign Off Terminal Emulator
Signs off and closes the terminal window.
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Enterprise Server for .NET Reference Information