To Configure and Start the Listener for the ESDEMO Region

The default listener configuration file installed with the product includes a TN3270 port configuration for the ESDEMO region specifying port 9023. This is the port that a 3270 client such as Rumba would use to connect to the region. You only need configure the database server details to use this listener with the ESDEMO region.
Note: Stopping and re-starting the seelistener service starts the listener with the latest configurations.

Use the following procedure to configure and start the listener for the ESDEMO region:

  1. In the Tree pane, click Configuration Editors > Listener . See 1 in the diagram below. The Listener Configuration Editor view is displayed in the Results pane.
  2. Click the File Open icon. See 2 in the diagram below.


    The standard Open File dialog opens.

  3. From the Open File dialog, navigate to the product installation folder where the file seelistener.exe.config resides, select it and click Open. See 3 in the diagram below.
    • For 32-bit systems, this file is in %ProgramFiles%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE
    • For 64-bit systems, this file is in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\binAnyCPU\SEE

    GUID-B2CC416D-21D3-4250-8B08-B8CDEE814DEE-low.png The configuration file opens in the Listener Configuration Editor in the Results pane.
  4. In the Listener Configuration Editor, expand the Regions item and select the ESDEMO region. See 4 in the diagram below.
  5. Enter your database server instance name in the value field associated with the Database server instance property. See 5 in the diagram below. GUID-23B00217-C37E-4151-9021-4C283C3070C7-low.png
  6. Expand the ESDEMO region node and verify that there are three child nodes: HTTP, MFBINP and TN3270. Select the TN3270 node and verify that the Port property value is 9023. See 6 in the diagram below. This is the port that you will need to configure for your TN3270 emulator to allow it to connect to the region.
  7. Click either File > Save, or the Save icon on the toolbar to save the file. See 7 in the diagram below.
  8. Click either Options > Start Listener, or the Start Listener icon on the toolbar to start the listener. See 8 in the diagram below.
    Note: If the listener is already started, you must stop it and then re-start it for your configuration changes to take effect.
The listener is started and is available to receive TN3270 client connections for the ESDEMO region.