MFPLX08120 - MFPLX08139
Lists the PL/I compilation system messages from MFPLX08120 through MFPLX08139.
MFPLX08120S The "%1" option requires a positive integer argument.
MFPLX08121W "%1" requires the INCL preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08122W "%1" requires the DLI preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08123W "%1" requires the SQL preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08124W "%1" requires the CICS preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08125W "%1" requires the MACRO preprocessor. Use mfplx.
MFPLX08127S -pporder preprocessor names must be one of MACRO, SQLDB2, SQLOCI, SQLODBC, CICS, or DLI.
MFPLX08128S -pporder %1("string") required.
MFPLX08129S -pporder MACRO option if present must be one of CASE(ASIS) or CASE(UPPER).
MFPLX08130S -pporder mismatched parentheses.
Parent topic:
MFPLX - PL/I Compilation System Messages