MFPLI01200 - MFPLI01219
Lists the PL/I compiler messages from MFPLI01200 through MFPLI01219.
MFPLI01200S Could not find file %1 in any directory in include path.
MFPLI01201W An argument being passed by immediate value should be a scalar of type FIXED BIN (p<=31), FLOAT BIN, ENTRY, POINTER, CHAR of length <= 4, or BIT of length <= 32; "%1" is being passed as-if enclosed by parentheses.
MFPLI01202S The BYVALUE attribute may be applied only to a parameter or a parameter descriptor.
MFPLI01203W An argument being passed by immediate value should be a scalar of type FIXED BIN, FLOAT BIN, ENTRY, POINTER, CHAR of length <= 4, or BIT of length <= 32; a copy is being passed by reference.
MFPLI01204S The parameter %1 has the BYVALUE attribute and is a multipositional parameter.
MFPLI01205S Invalid syntax in this statement. A %1 was encountered unexpectedly. Check the previous statement for a missing semi-colon.
MFPLI01206S This condition requires an associated expression as in: COND(EXP).
MFPLI01207S Expression not permitted with this condition. Only FILE related conditions may have associated expressions.
MFPLI01208U Premature end of file encountered. Check for zero length file.
MFPLI01209E %1 has been declared with conflicting attributes; the INITIAL attribute is not permitted with the GLOBALREF attribute; The INITIAL attribute will be ignored, and no initialization will be performed.
MFPLI01210S Invalid use of an asterisk in an expression. Array cross-sections are not supported.
MFPLI01211S ALLOCATE IN requires an AREA reference.
MFPLI01212S Subscripts are not valid in the reference to the REFER object, "%1". The referenced variable must not be an array or a member of a dimensioned STRUCTURE.
MFPLI01213S The STRUCTURE "%1" has been declared with REFER options but does not have a BASED storage class. REFER extents are only valid within BASED STRUCTUREs.
MFPLI01214S The object of a REFER option "%1" must precede the member whose size it defines, and it must be a member of the STRUCTURE being declared.
MFPLI01215S The reference to the REFER object, "%1" has been locator qualified. The referenced variable must not be locator qualified.
MFPLI01216S The variable that defines the size of the REFER extent, "%1" is a dimensioned STRUCTURE or an array. This variable must be a scalar.
MFPLI01217S A NONCONNECTED array cannot be passed as an argument to a PROCEDURE, function or input/output routine.
MFPLI01218S When array cross-sections are used within expressions or an assignment, all cross-sections must have exactly the same number of star extents.
MFPLI01219S A format has too many fields.
Parent topic:
MFPLI01200 - MFPLI02099