WSQL001: XDB Engine is not loaded. The system was unable to load the SQL Engine. Make certain that you have correctly installed and configured SQL RDBMS (or
the equivalent) or that you have installed the correct network redirector.
WSQL002: Error allocating memory. An attempt was made to allocate a block of memory, but that attempt failed. Try removing other programs from memory, and then
repeat the task. Try saving your work and exiting from SQLWizard, and then reload it. If the operating system is using a temporary
PAGEFILE, make sure there is at least 2MB of free disk space. If attempts to increase available resources fail, contact Micro
Focus Technical Support.
WSQL003: Error opening file filename. An attempt was made to open the file named, but it failed. This usually occurs if the file could not be found. Check that
the file exists, and that you have privileges to access it. Make sure the file is not in use by another application. Check
to be sure there is enough disk space available, and that the target directory is a valid path.
WSQL004: Error creating name window. The system was unable to create the window, probably because resources (such as memory) are low. Close down some windows (or
other applications) and try again. See WSQL002.
WSQL005: Error creating name dialog. The system was unable to create the dialog, probably because resources (such as memory) are low. Close down some windows (or
other applications) and try again. See WSQL002.
WSQL006: Error creating name text editor. The system was unable to create the window, or open the specified application. Close down some windows (or other applications)
and try again.
WSQL007: Error adding line to text editor. The system could not add additional text to the current edit control. System resources may be low. Try freeing resources by
closing unnecessary programs.
WSQL008: Prohibit Cartesian products. The system has been set to prohibit Cartesian products. The query you are trying to run has been evaluated as a Cartesian
product, and cannot be executed unless you turn off the Prohibit Cartesian Products option through the Query|Current Query
Options dialog.
WSQL009: Query result cannot be edited. The current query result has been evaluated as a non-editable result, and therefore the system cannot switch to edit mode.
Reasons for a query to be evaluated as non-editable are that it is/contains a: a) Join b) Union c) GROUP BY clause d) HAVING
clause e) Expression or it accesses a read-only view.
WSQL017: Prompted number number is out of range, should be 1-100. An SQL statement references a variable &n where n is not between 1 and 100. Modify the SQL statement to change &n so that
n is within the acceptable range, or change &n to a host variable in the form :hv.
WSQL019: Cannot find the prompted number number. An error occurred trying to specify or rebuild a prompted query design. The table SYSXDB.SYSPROMPTQUERY may be damaged or
has been incorrectly edited.
WSQL021: Cannot find query. The system was unable to find the query in SYSXDB.SYSQUERY or SYSXDB.SYSPROMPTQUERY. You may have entered the name incorrectly.
The query may have been deleted from the query catalog, or there may be an error reading the catalog tables.
WSQL023: Cannot open temporary file. The system was unable to open a temporary file. Check whether you have privileges to read and write on the temporary path,
and that there is enough disk space to write the file.
WSQL024: Cannot create temporary file. The system was unable to write a temporary file. Check whether you have privileges to read and write on the temporary path,
and that there is enough disk space to write the file.
WSQL028: Cannot open query. The system was unable to open a query in SYSXDB.SYSQUERY or SYSXDB.SYSPROMPTQUERY. The query may have been partially deleted
from the query catalog, or there may be an error reading the catalog tables.
WSQL030: No such Query. The system was unable to find the query in SYSXDB.SYSQUERY or SYSXDB.SYSPROMPTQUERY. You may have entered the name incorrectly.
The query may have been deleted from the query catalog, or there may be an error reading the catalog tables.
WSQL031: No column needs order by. There are no unsorted columns in the query. Use the Query|Sort option if you want to remove some columns from the query. You
cannot sort by a column that is not selected if you are in DB2 mode (this is a restriction of DB2).
WSQL033: Error saving file filename. An error occurred when trying to save the named file. Make certain the path is valid, the file name is valid, that there is
enough space for the file, or that the file does not already exist and is locked by another application.
WSQL034: Error seeking file. A file could not be found. A seek error occurred when trying to locate it. Make certain the file specification is correct,
and that the file exists.
WSQL035: Error seeking query. A query could not be found. You can query the SYSXDB.SYSQUERY table to see if the query exists in the location that you are
querying. You may need to make the location where the query exists the current location.
WSQL038: Cannot open init file. The system was unable to open one or more initialization files. Run Options to check XDB.INI. Check the command line of XWIZ40N.EXE
for the INI file in use.
WSQL039: Cannot paste query. An attempt was made to paste an SQL statement into a Query Design window, or to paste a Query Design into an SQL Edit window.
Try using the Open button to open the query. Change to SQL view if necessary, and copy the query, then paste to the target
SQL Edit window.
WSQL042: Error in querying SYSACFUSERS. The system encountered an error when attempting to retrieve information on users from the system catalog. This error occurs
if you have not been granted privileges against the system catalog tables. You will be allowed to continue if you receive
this error, but you will be connected as a regular user, not a super user.
WSQL044: Cannot access SYSXDB tables using AuthID authid. This error normally occurs if the current user does not have select privileges on the SYSXDB catalog tables, or on the equivalent
views. Check the SYSXDB setting in the Options SQL page to see what AuthID the system is trying to use for SYSXDB catalog
views, and contact your administrator to see if you have select privileges on the views created with this AuthID. If you do
not, have the administrator grant you the privileges you need to access the catalog tables. If the SYSXDB.SYSQUERY table does
not exist, you may see this error. You will still be allowed to access SQLWizard, but you may not be able to list or save
queries in the catalog tables. You should still be able to save and run queries in SQL script files.
WSQL045: Name name is invalid. The name shown is not a valid name based on the current SQL mode, or the system requirements. In general, names must begin
with a letter, can contain letters and digits, and the characters # $ % & _ { } in XDB mode or @ # $ _ in DB2 mode.
WSQL047: The query has been corrupted. SQLWizard cannot open the selected query because it contains corrupt data. This might happen if the SYSPROMPTQUERY table was
edited directly.
WSQL050: Cannot edit tables with renamed columns. You are attempting to edit a table that contains a renamed column. This is not allowed. This error would occur, for example,
if you attempted to edit the result of the following query (which changes the name of the e_no column to xemp):
WSQL053: Filters yield no results. Filters are reset. The filter value entered for the immediate sub-item (database, or AuthID) beneath the location level returns an empty result
set. The Catalog Browser display will be refreshed using the latest valid set of filter values stored in XDB.INI.
WSQL055: Invalid value, terminator_character, specified for TERMINATOR. The SQL terminator character specified in a --#SET TERMINATOR statement is invalid. The following characters are not allowed
to be a SQL terminator: blank, comma, double quote, left parenthesis, right parenthesis, single quote, and underscore.