Use this variable to specify additional SMS, SPOOL and User catalogs. Up to 64 additional catalogs may be specified with semi-colon separated values (see Multiple Catalog Support for more details). The physical file used for each catalog is stored in the environment variable MFUSERCAT_LOC.
This variable is limited to 4096 characters.
Default: | No value assigned |
Each node can include wildcards. You can use * (for any number of characters) or ? (for a single character) in a node specification. You can also use the UNIX-style square bracket notation (part of the regular expression feature), where you specify a list of permissible characters at a particular point within the node specification; see Examples of Using Multiple Catalogs for more information.
To enable support for the SMS entities DATACLAS and MGMTCLAS, this variable needs to be set in addition to setting MF_SMS=ON.
Each node-name entry in MFUSERCAT_NODE must have a corresponding entry in MFUSERCAT_LOC.
Use the ES_OPEN_CAT_ON_DEMAND variable to determine if these catalogs are opened when the region starts, or only opened when they are required.