In the
Interface Mapper, right-click
Operation, and click
In the
Operation Name field, type a name for the operation.
From the
Active Screen drop-down list, click the screen name for the screen you want to process with the operation.
From the
Previous Screen drop-down list, click the screen that precedes the active screen.
In the
Transaction ID field, type the ID that starts the application if applicable.
If you want to automatically create interface fields with default mappings for all of the fields on the active screen, check
Create Default Mapping.
Provide a transaction ID only when the operation you are defining starts a transaction.
It is common practice for IMS applications to specify a transaction ID in the MFS MID definition. In this case, to ensure
that offsets are calculated properly, select the USE TRANSACTION ID FROM SCREEN DEFINITION option when specifying the transaction
ID for your operation. This option is available only when you select an active screen other than <None>, ANY SCREEN, or EMPTY