COBEC0042E Max. of <n> options for <cmd> exceeded The EXEC CICS <cmd> command allows a maximum of <n> options to be specified in a single instance of the command. The current instance of the command has more options than this
maximum allowable number.
COBEC0044W CSA option returns NULL - Non-portable usage The EXEC CICS ADDRESS CSA option will always return a null pointer/address value in the emulation. This option is a non-portable
usage due to its dependence on the specific format of internal CICS control blocks.
COBEC0045I <opt> argument should be (area), accepted (value) The argument for the <opt> option should be a data-area, but a value (literal or equivalent construct) was specified. This occurs when an option is
used both to specify a limit that the application will accept and to return the actual size that CICS returned to the application.
The literal was accepted as the limit and no returned value will be made available to the application.
COBEC0049W Nested CALL statement stack overflow The preprocessor stack for nested CALL statements has overflowed. Nesting means further CALLs within OVERFLOW, EXCEPTION,
and NOT EXCEPTION clause. The preprocessor stack contains state information for all CALL statements that have not terminated
(by END-CALL or period). The stacking limit is 32 unterminated CALL statements.