The cursor is positioned in the main section of the program.
The Create Unit Test dialog box appears.
A unit test project has been created in the current solution, and includes one test program (TestAircode).
The following elements have been created:
entry MFU-TC-PREFIX & TEST-TESTAIRCODE. call "AIRCODE" using by value lnk-function by value lnk-airport1 by value lnk-airport2 ...
This section calls into the source code that you are testing, using the parameters initialized in the test setup.
entry MFU-TC-SETUP-PREFIX & TEST-TESTAIRCODE. perform InitializeLinkageData *> Add any other test setup code here goback returning 0 . InitializeLinkageData section. *> Load the library that is being tested set pp to entry "AirportLinkLibrary"
This portion of code is run before the test case, and sets a procedure pointer to the code under test. It also goes on to initialize the variables required to call into the source code.