mfhco dclgen db=databasename lang=language tbl=schemaname.tablename file=copybookname [pre={USER | TBL | NO}] [user=username] [fld={COL | NUM}] null=nullindname [typeint={COMP | COMP5}] [typelob={LOCATOR | LOB | FILE}] [declare={Y | N }] [str=structurename]
cobmfhco dclgen db=databasename lang=language tbl=schemaname.tablename file=copybookname [pre={USER | TBL | NO}] [user=username] [fld={COL | NUM}] null=nullindname [typeint={COMP | COMP5}] [typelob={LOCATOR | LOB | FILE}] [declare={Y | N }] [str=structurename]
databasename | Name of the target database. |
language | Language to generate. cbl is the default; can also specify c or pli. |
schemaname | Schema name for the generated copybook. |
tablename | Table name for the generated copybook. |
filename | Name of the copybook file to generate. |
TBL | Specifies that the copybook prefix is the same as the table name. Default. |
USER | Specifies that the prefix is supplied by the user. |
NO | Specifies that there is no prefix. |
username | A text string composed of valid COBOL characters, used as a prefix for each host variable in the copybook. |
COL | Specifies the column name. Default. |
NUM | Specifies the column number. |
nullindname | Specifies the null indicator name suffix. Default is NULL. |
COMP | Specifies generation of numeric fields as COMP variables. Default. |
COMP5 | Specifies generation of numeric fields as COMP-5 variables. |
LOCATOR | Specifies generation of LOB variables as SQL TYPE LOB-LOCATOR. Default. |
LOB | Specifies generation of LOB variables as SQL TYPE LOB(size). |
FILE | Specifies generation of LOB variables as SQL TYPE LOB-FILE. |
declare |
Y - Generate DECLARE TABLE as part of the copybook. Default.
N - Do not generate DECLARE TABLE as part of the copybook. |
structurename | Specifies the name of the copybook structure. |
mfhco dclgen db=db2demo lang=cbl tbl=demo.items file=item.cpy
cobmfhco dclgen db=db2demo lang=cbl tbl=demo.items file=item.cpy