Sharing ADO.NET objects statements enable you to share ADO.NET objects (Connections, DataSets and DataReaders) between COBOL
programs and other .NET applications. The GET statements retrieve objects OpenESQL has generated for EXEC SQL commands where
dbman=ado. The BIND statements allow COBOL to access ADO.NET objects created by other .NET applications and the UNBIND statements disassociate
COBOL from those objects.
The following sharing ADO.NET objects statements are available to you:
- GET CHANGES - creates a DataSet that only contains changed information
- GET CONNECTION – gets the current OpenESQL connection object
- GET CURSOR – gets the DataReader or DataSet associated with an EXEC SQL cursor
- GET RUNTIME – gets the OpenESQL MFADORTS run-time object
- BIND CONNECTION – allows a named EXEC SQL connection to use an existing connection object
- BIND – allows a named EXEC ADO DataSet to use an existing DataSet object
- REBIND CONNECTION – informs a previously bound EXEC SQL connection object that a new transaction object is being used
- UNBIND – releases an OpenESQL reference to a bound DataSet object
- UNBIND CONNECTION – releases an OpenESQL reference to a bound connection object