MFPLI00400 - MFPLI00419
Lists the PL/I compiler messages from MFPLI00400 through MFPLI00419.
MFPLI00400S "%1" has been declared with the VARYINGZ attribute. Only CHARACTER string variables may be declared VARYINGZ.
MFPLI00401W Z/OS STRUCTURE mapping of %1 may require "-bitsltr" to map little-endian bit-fields left-to-right.
MFPLI00402S ENTRY constants used in STATIC INITIAL must be non-nested.
MFPLI00403E LABEL variables cannot be initialized with STATIC INITIAL; the required stack frame address is unknown at compile-time.
MFPLI00404W %1 condition raised during a compile-time conversion check; this will likely result in the same condition raised at run-time.
MFPLI00405I The undeclared name "%1" has been declared with the default type as a variable in the outermost PROCEDURE.
MFPLI00406I The undeclared name "%1" has been contextually declared as a variable in the outermost %2$s.
MFPLI00407S GET input-item "%1" must be computational.
MFPLI00414S The second argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must be FIXED BIN but a non-computational value has been used.
MFPLI00415S The third argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must not contain any elements that have * names, UNION or GRAPHIC attributes, non-computational data, scaled FIXED BINARY, or FIXED DECIMAL(p,q) where q < 0 or q > p.
MFPLI00416S The first argument to the JSONxxx built-ins must be a locator (OFFSET with explicit AREA declaration or a POINTER).
MFPLI00417S A precision/length exceeds the implementation limit of %1.
Parent topic:
MFPLI00400 - MFPLI01179