Make sure you also test the start of a CEA-launched TSO address space by changing the field Port to the listener port of the CEA scheduler and repeating the procedure for verifying a user server. Output similar to the one below in the hardcopy log indicates successful initialization of the CEA-launched TSO user server. Make sure the user server is terminated again using the logoff command as before.
$HASP373 userid STARTED IEF125I userid - LOGGED ON - TIME=16.01.44 +ISPWB000 Client requested ISPF session initialization 585 Userid: userid ASIDX: 006D Message Queue: 0000655407 CCSID: 00037 +TAU0001I zServer userid 02030000 startup Tuesday , 11 Mar 2014 16:01:49.04 +TAU0067I zServer startup completed for userid for JES2 and ASID 006D
If this message does not appear in hardcopy log, problem determination will become very difficult. Use the logon procedure specified by CEA_LOGONPROC and attempt to logon to TSO to make sure there are no JCL or ISPF errors during dataset allocation. The initial REXX exec CEALOGON is not executed, so no ISPF profile dataset is available. At the TSO READY prompt, use the following command to allocate the ISPF profile (with the correct naming conventions for the installation):
alloc dd(ISPPROF) dsn(userid.ISPF.ISPPROF)
Then call ISPF. If the logon procedure is correct, the ISPF primary option menu will be shown. Otherwise, correct any errors and repeat.