Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

Add button on the Add/Modify User dialog box allows you to add a new AuthID and its associated specification into the appropriate
XDB Server system tables using the information currently displayed on the dialog box. Once information for a user has been
inserted, it remains on the dialog box. You can type another new AuthID (using the previous AuthID's information as a template)
to add more users.
When connecting to an XDB Server, the AuthID is checked against values in XDB Server System tables on the XDBACF database
in the SYSTEM location to determine if there are any SecondaryIDs or groups associated with it. All available groups are displayed
in a scrollable list. Groups to which a particular AuthID is assigned (if any) are highlighted.
Instructions for adding new users to an XDB Server's list of AuthIDs are provided below. See the description of the Add/Modify
User dialog box for information about each item on that dialog box.
To add a new AuthID and privileges for a new user:
- Click the
Users command from the
menu to display the Add/Modify User dialog box.
- Type a new AuthID in the
User ID field or click the
User ID drop-down arrow and select an existing user. You can use an existing user's specifications for a new user by typing a new
AuthID over the old one.
- In the
Security Options group:
- Select
Password Required if this user will be required to enter a password when connecting to the XDB Server.
- Select
Access Authority to enable this user to access the XDB Server. You can temporarily disable an existing AuthID by deselecting the
Access Authority box, leaving all other AuthID information intact.
- If you checked
Password Required, type a
Password according to the required
Enforcement Level setting at the bottom of the dialog box. Retype the same password in the
Verification field. Be sure to tell the user the password you have assigned, and explain how the user can change it.
- In the
User Types section, click
Super User. A super user has special system-wide privileges as explained in the description of the Add/Modify User dialog box. Super-user
status is usually reserved for XDB Server Administrators and their assistants.
- Specify optional items:
Groups, and
If desired, type a comment in the
User Comments field.
If you have created groups, they will be displayed in the
Group Membership list. Assign the user to one or more groups by clicking on the desired group name(s). (You can also assign users to groups
when you create the groups.
If you have created priorities, they will be displayed in the
Priorities list. Assign the user to one or more priorities by clicking on the desired priority name(s).
Note: To select multiple, contiguous names on a list, hold down
Shift while clicking on the first and last entry of the desired list of names. To select multiple non-contiguous names, hold down
Ctrl while clicking on each name you want to select.
- Click the
Add button to insert this user's information to SQLWizard security tables.
- Add, delete or update other users if desired. When done, click the
Close button to exit the Add/Modify User dialog box.