Expose a CICS application as a Web service provider or construct a Web service requester. Generates COBOL data structures,
a skeleton COBOL program, and a Web service bind (WSBIND) file from a Web service description file (WSDL).
Important: Before attempting to run a CICS Web Service on
Enterprise Server,
review the information in the
Prerequisites for CICS Web Services topic.
ws2ls pgmname=program-name
ws2ls -help
- pgmname=program-name
- The fully qualified file name to use for the generated skeleton CICS program. Depending on other supplied parameters, this
skeleton program is generated either to invoke a Web service (requester), or to be exposed as a Web service (provider).
- wsdl=wsdl-file
- The fully qualified name of the WSDL file that contains the Web service description.
- wsbind=bind-file
- The fully qualified name of the Web service bind file.
- ccsid=ccsid
- The CCSID used at runtime to encode character data into the application data structure.
- contid=container-name
- The name of the container that holds the top-level data structure used to represent a SOAP message. When not specified, this
defaults to
DFHWS-DATA. Used only when generating a Web service provider.
- default-char-maxlength=max-length
- The default string size to use for unbounded strings when none is specified in the WSDL file.
- inline-maxoccurs-limit=max-occurs
- The maximum size an array can be before it is replaced with a container-based mapping in the generated service or client.
Valid values are from
1 through
32767 inclusive.
Note: For complete information about how
Enterprise Developer generates COBOL variable-length array structures for CICS Web services from WSDL and JSON, see
Handling Variable Arrays in WSDL and JSON - CICS COBOL.
- logfile=logfile
- The fully qualified name of a logfile to contain output information generated by the
ws2ls command. When not specified, no logfile is generated.
- operations=op-name-1[,op-name-n[,...]]
- Specifies a subset of valid WSDL operations to use in generating the WSBIND file; requester mode only.
- pgmint={channel|commarea}
- channel
- Create a service provider that passes data to the target application program via a channel container.
Note: Do not specify the
pgmint parameter when constructing a Web service requestor.
- commarea
- Create a service provider that passes data to the target application program via a commarea.
Note: Do not specify the
pgmint parameter when constructing a Web service requestor.
- reqmem=request-prefix
- Specifies a one- to six-character prefix used in naming copybook files generated for requester Web services. A unique two-digit
number is appended to this prefix to produce uniquely named copybook files. Each generated copybook file contains the request
data structures for one operation defined in the given WSDL file.
- respmem=response-prefix
- Specifies a one- to six-character prefix used in naming copybook files generated for provider Web services. A unique two-digit
number is appended to this prefix to produce the copybook file name. The generated copybook file contains the Web service
response data structures.
- synconreturn={yes|no}
- yes
- The remote service can issue a sync point.
- no
- The remote service cannot issue a sync point.
- uri=address
- For Web service providers, specifies the relative URI used by a client to access the Web service. For Web service requesters,
specifies an absolute URI used in the EXEC CICS INVOKE SERVICE call within the generated skeleton program. When a URI is not
supplied for a requestor Web service, the EXEC CICS INVOKE SERVICE call uses the service end point address found in the WSDL
- -help
- Displays information about
ws2ls parameters.
- Example 1
- The following command uses the
mywsdl.wsdl WSDL file to create the
program.cbl skeleton COBOL program and the
mywsbind.wsbind Web service bind file:
ws2ls wsdl=mywsdl.wsdl
- Example 2
- The following command uses the
mywsdl.wsdl WSDL file and the /mysvc/operation URI to create the
mywsbind.wsbind Web service bind file, appropriate request and response copybook files, and the
program.cbl skeleton COBOL program, which uses a Commarea interface to receive requests and return responses:
ws2ls wsdl=mywsdl.wsdl