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X003: INI Error errmsg

The error message returned can be any of the messages listed under Possible Error Messages below. Each possible error message is followed by a typical XDBNET.INI file error that could have caused the error message. The following notation definitions apply for each possible error message:

file - the .INI file name (XDBNET.INI in this case) where the error occurred.

section - the server section name in XDBNET.INI where an error occurred.

item - the server section parameter name (for example, IpAddress or IpxNodeAddr) where an error occurred.

string - the server section string value where an error occurred.

Possible Error Messages:


If using a version earlier than 5.0, XDB will return the following X003 error message:

X003: Money value overflow.

An attempt was made to place a value that is too large or too small into a numeric field (float, int, smallint, etc.). See XDB Server Specifications in the SQL Reference for maximum and minimum values permitted in numeric data types. Check picture specifications.

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