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WI097: Invalid value value in position number for TYPES command in group number, groupname.

The syntax of this command is:

TYPES = field-type1 [, field-type2]. . .;

where field types are listed in the same order as corresponding field names, and delimited by commas. Valid field types are as follows:

CH[(n)] Char (Character)
CB[(n)] Character For Bit Data
DT[(p[s])] Date
DC Decimal
SF Float (4-byte)
FL Float
GR Graphic
LI Integer
LV Long Varchar
LB Long Varchar For Bit Data
LG Long Vargraphic
MN Money
SI Smallint (Small Integer)
TM Time
TS Timestamp
VC[(n)] Varchar (Variable Character)
VB[(n)] Varchar For Bit Data
VG[(n)] Vargraphic
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