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Configuring the IMS Database Editor

IMS Database Editor configuration is done from the IMS DB Editor tab of the Data Tools Options dialog box.

Warning Prompts

By default, the IMS Database Editor prompts you for confirmation each time you attempt to:

  • Edit a segment
  • Delete a segment

You can turn these prompts off by unchecking Update warning and Delete warning. Any changes made during an editing session take effect the next time you open a data file. You can also prevent a prompt from appearing again in a current session by checking its Do not show this message again box.

Segment Browser

By default, the Segment Browser displays 30 segment occurrences per page. You can change this default by entering a new value into the Number of segments per browser page field.

You might want to reduce the number of segment occurrences per page when, for example, you access a remote database or use a machine with a slow processor. In these cases, reducing the number of segments displayed can improve performance.

For more information on segment browsing, see Browsing Segment Occurrences.

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