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Qualifications for segment dialog box

Command code
Select a command code to apply to the SSA.
Define qualifier group
Enables you to construct one or more SSA qualifiers using the drop-down lists, entry field, and buttons in the group.
Key field drop-down list
Select a key field.
Relational operator drop-down list
Select a relational operator.
Search value field
Type a qualifying value for the selected key field. Hexadecimal values show a the bottom of the field.
Boolean operator drop-down list
Select a boolean operator to construct a compound qualifier. Optional.
Add button
Add the constructed qualifier to the Qualification list.
Replace button
Replace a definition selected on the Qualification list with the qualifier currently defined in the Define qualifier group.
Qualification list group
Lists qualifier definitions added from the Define qualifier group and enables you to change and/or delete them.
Definition grid
Lists the definitions added from the Define qualifier group.
Load the selected definition into the Define qualifier group to enable editing.
Delete the selected definition.
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