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Long Usernames

Enterprise Server has provisions for supporting usernames that do not meet the mainframe convention of 1-8 characters from a restricted character set. These mainframe-style usernames are conventionally referred to as "short names". Usernames that are not mainframe-compatible are called "long names", even though they are not necessarily longer than eight characters. For example, since spaces are not allowed in short usernames, a six-character username containing a space would be considered a "long" name.

Since Enterprise Server's Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) features must remain mainframe-compatible when dealing with usernames, MSS and other Enterprise Server components use short names internally.

In effect, "long name" means "the username outside Enterprise Server", while "short name" means "the alias used in Enterprise Server". If you are not using the long-name feature, those two are the same.

If you make use of the long-name feature:

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