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Monitor Category: Performance

The following performance monitors, with associated error codes and descriptions, are included in the Micro Focus Management Packs:

Shared Memory
Error Code Error Description
CASKC0007W Shared memory storage constrained
CASKC0008I Shared memory storage constraint ended
Transactions (CICS)
Transaction ABENDs
Error Code Error Description
CASKC0001E Transaction abend (system)
CASKC0041E Transaction abend (timeout)
CASKC0042I Transaction abend (user)
Transaction Thresholds
Error Code Error Description
CASKC6003I Transaction threshold breached
CASKC6004I Transaction completed, but threshold breached
JES Time Threshold (JES only)
Error Code Error Description
CASKC6002I Job terminated due to exceeding TIME parameter
IMS Time Threshold (IMS only)
Error Code Error Description
CASIP0026I Transaction completed but exceeded its threshold
CASKC6005I Transaction has exceeded its threshold
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