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Class ExciRespException

Public class ExciRespException extends Exception.

extended byjava.lang.Throwable

extended byjava.lang.Exception

extended bycom.microfocus.cics.client.ExciRespException

All Implemented Interfaces


Class Specifications

public class ExciRespException

extends Exception

See Also:

Serialized Form

Constructor Summary

ExciRespException(int exciResp1, int exciResp2, ECIResponse response) Create a new ExciRespException
ExciRespException(int exciResp1, int exciResp2, String msg, ECIResponse response) Create a new ExciRespException
ExciRespException(int exciResp1, int exciResp2, String msg, Throwable t, ECIResponse response) Create a new ExciRespException
ExciRespException(int exciResp1, int exciResp2, Throwable t, ECIResponse response) Create a new ExciRespException


Method Summary
int getExciResp1()
int getExciResp2()
String getRcMsg()
ECIResponse getResponse()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail

public ExciRespException(int exciResp1,
                 int exciResp2,
                 ECIResponse response)
exciResp1 exciResponse1
exciResp2 exciResponse2
response The ECIResponse
public ExciRespException(int exciResp1,
                 int exciResp2,
                 String msg,
                 ECIResponse response)
exciResp1 exciResponse1
exciResp2 exciResponse2
msg Message from a previous exception
response The ECIResponse
public ExciRespException(int exciResp1,
                 int exciResp2,
                  Throwable t,
                 ECIResponse response)
exciResp1 exciResponse1
exciResp2 exciResponse2
t Throwable from a previous exception
response The ECIResponse
public ExciRespException(int exciResp1,
                 int exciResp2,
                 String msg,
                  Throwable t,
                 ECIResponse response)
exciResp1 exciResponse1
exciResp2 exciResponse2
msg Message from a previous exception
t Throwable from a previous exception
response The ECIResponse

Method Detail

Get ExciResp1
public int getExciResp1()
Get ExciResp2
public int getExciResp2()
Get ECIResponse
public ECIResponse getResponse()
Get RcMsg
public String getRcMsg()
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