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X256: Stored Procedure ProcName failed due to reason ReasonCode.

The XDB Server is not able to execute the CALL statement for the stored procedure ProcName.

If ReasonCodeis... The problem is that...
00E79000 A value in either SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES or SYSIBM.SYSPARMS is invalid. This is an internal error. Please contact Product Support.
00X10000 Too many parameters. The maximum number of parameters is 750.
00X10001 The SQL Option Server supports COBOL and C stored procedures.
00X10002 The attempted operation was not supported. A common cause of this is that access to a remote location was attempted without the proper XDB.INI configuration.
00X10003 The stored procedure exceeded the number of result sets. The maximum number is 50.
00X10004 The operating system rejected a request to create a pipe used to invoke the stored procedure. Please contact Product Support.
00X10005 The operating system rejected a request to create a pipe used to invoke the stored procedure. Please contact Product Support.
00X10006 The operating system rejected a request to create the stored procedure process. Please contact Product Support.
00X10007 A write to the stored procedure communications pipe by the server has failed. This typically indicates the stored procedure has abnormally exited.
00X10008 A read from the stored procedure communications pipe by the server has failed. This typically indicates the stored procedure has abnormally exited.
00X10009 An internal error has prevented the stored procedures communications layer from initializing. Please contact Product Support.
00X10010 An unknown element was passed in the SQL statement that is calling the stored procedure. Please contact Product Support.
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