1005 | No such file or directory (ENOENT) |
1011 | Bad file descriptor (EBADF) |
1013 | Permission denied (EACCES) |
1020 | File exists (EEXIST) |
1023 | Too many open files (EMFILE) |
1027 | No space left on device (ENOSPC) |
If errornumber is less than 1000, then this is an error specific to your platform. If the errornumber you get is not in the table, contact Micro Focus Technical Support.
The following are more detailed descriptions of values for errornumber:
The specified file or directory does not exist or cannot be found. This message can also occur when a component of the path name does not specify an existing directory.
The specified file handle is not a valid file handle value, it does not refer to an open file, or an attempt was made to write to a file or device opened for read-only access (or vice versa).
The file's permission does not allow the specified access. This error occurs when someone attempts to access a file or directory in a way that is incompatible with the file or directory attributes. For example, this error will occur when an attempt to read is made on an unopened file, or when an attempt to write is made on a read-only file.
The O_CREATE and the OEXCL flags are specified when opening a file, but the named file already exists.
The number of files exceeds the maximum allowed.
No more space for writing is available on the device. For example, the disk is full.