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X124: Illegal operation on system object.

An illegal attempt was made to alter, insert, update or delete from a system object. XDB Server objects are for system use; they are automatically created and maintained by the system. Users may query the objects but, in general, cannot update or change them except through special commands (e.g. COMMENT ON). See XDB Server System Tables in the SQL Reference for descriptions of the system objects and how they are maintained.
Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

SQLWizard Notes:

If you are running against XDB Server or a local copy of the SQL Engine, the SYSIBM and SYSXDB items (found in the SQL page of Options) should be set to SYSIBM and SYSXDB, respectively. This causes catalog queries to be issued directly against the catalog tables.

If you are running against DB2 via XDB Link you will usually use views of the catalog tables instead of accessing the tables directly. Your database administrator should be able to tell you the AuthID to use for catalog queries.

Contact Micro Focus Support for availability of an update that allows queries to views of the system catalog tables.

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