By default, ESCWA is running in secured mode and has a security manager assigned to it. HACloud out-of-the-box is configured to retrieve the default credentials for the ESCWA connection from a secret which is shipped with the product in the microfocus/common/readonly location. You do not need to configure HACloud further, if the default ESCWA credentials are used.
If ESCWA and MFDS are configured to use non-default credentials (such as if you want to limit the permissions to certain regions), you need to provide these credentials to HACloud. To do this you use the mfsecrecretsadmin utility and save the credentials in the microfocus/hacloud location. Passwords are stored in a vault which is either an encrypted file on the disk or a server that provides the information.
The product checks whether explicit MFDS credentials have been provided. If they have not been provided, the product issues an MFDS logon command that uses { "mfUseSession": true} to reuse the ESCWA session credentials.
The format of these secrets is the JSON payload for the ESCWA logon. See ESCWA Client Web APIs.
In order to supply the credentials, you need to add them to a JSON file - one for ESCWA and one for the MFDS. The format in which you need to supply the username and the password for ESCWA or the MFDS, respectively, is:
{ "mfUser": "MyUserName", "mfPassword": "MyPassw"}
To supply these non-default credentials to the microfocus/hacloud location for HACloud:
mfsecretsadmin write -file microfocus/hacloud/escwacreds filename
In order to verify that these secrets are available:
mfsecretsadmin list microfocus/hacloud/*
This should display the escwacreds and mfdscreds, if available.
mfsecretsadmin read microfocus/hacloud/escwacreds