You configure users impersonation behavior in the
machine.config file. Configurations specified in this file apply when a SEP or event monitor process starts.
To ensure that a SEP applies your changes:
- For WAS-hosted SEPs, use the
wasreset.cmd script to restart WAS.
- For self-hosted SEPs, these processes are normally started as child processes of the dispatcher and event monitor, or by Visual
Studio when debugging.
The domain options that you set are processed by the event monitor process:
- Security.users.domain
- .searchDomains
- .tryLocalLogon)
- Multi-machine environments:
The domain settings you configure take effect when the event monitor process restarts. The event monitor usually runs as a
Windows service. Restart it using the
Services control panel.
Note: Stop all local SEPs, dispatcher and the MMC
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Administration user interface processes before restarting the event monitor process.