Walks you through the process of invoking a native COBOL program using JCL, and calling programs and stored procedures in
multiple assemblies using literals.
- Review the
Assumptions and
Before you begin a tutorial sections in the
Tutorials: SQL CLR Stored Procedures Called via COBOL and JCL topic to ensure your environment is set up properly.
- Before attempting this tutorial, you must first work through
Tutorial: Prepare the SQL CLR Stored Procedures Environment.
Demonstration solution - SQLCLRTutorialSPCall multi-project by literal
Note: For an overview of the base application used in this and other SQL CLR tutorials in this series, see the
Demonstration solutions section in the
Tutorials: SQL CLR Stored Procedures Called via COBOL and JCL topic.
This tutorial uses a version of the SQLCLRTutorialSPCall solution created using the SQL Server Database project template and
then modified to demonstrate calling programs and stored procedures in multiple assemblies using literals. It includes the
following projects:
- SQLCLRTutorial Project
- Created from the SQL Server Database project template, the SQLCLRTutorial project contains just the stored procedures. The
called procedural COBOL programs are part of the LegacyPrograms project.
- SP1.cbl
- SP1.cbl contains stored procedure code. At run time, SQL Server meta-data identifies the assembly containing this stored procedure
code, and then loads the assembly into the SQL Server database. This loaded assembly, SQLCLRTutorial, does not contain the
called COBOL programs.
To ensure that the programs called by stored procedures are found,
SP1.cbl defines a procedure pointer that loads the LegacyProgram assembly before calling any programs.
set assembly-to-load to entry "LegacyPrograms"
The LegacyPrograms assembly contains the called programs. For example, when the stored procedure code in
SP1.cbl calls program A, it finds A in the loaded LegacyPrograms assembly.
SP1 then calls programs A and D, and calls stored procedure SP2.
- SP2.cbl
- Stored procedure that calls programs A, B, and C, and also increments the stored procedure counter by 10.
- SPCall Project
- A COBOL/JCL project added to the solution as a customization. It contains a native COBOL program that initiates the first
call to a SQL CLR stored procedure, and the JCL that invokes the program.
- SPCall.jcl
- Invokes
- SPCall.cbl
- Invoked by
SPCall.jcl, this program calls the SP1 stored procedure in the SQLCLRTutorial project.
exec sql
call "SP1" (:countval INOUT)
- LegacyPrograms Project
- LegacyPrograms contains just the procedural COBOL programs:
Procedural COBOL programs
The LegacyPrograms assembly is loaded by a procedure pointer defined in SP1. Each COBOL program in LegacyPrograms increments
the COBOL program counter by 1.
- SQLCLRTutorial.Publish Project
- Also created by default from the SQL Server Database project template, the SQLCLRTutorial.Publish project does not contain
any application code. Its purpose is to create the deployment package for the solution and to deploy it. The publishing process
creates the stored procedures that call the into the DLL that SQL Server executes in a SQL CLR run-time environment. The SQL
CLR run time works with the COBOL run-time. Publishing includes deploying both of these run-times.
To complete this tutorial, progress through these topics in the order presented here. The bottom of each topic provides
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Previous topic navigational links to help you proceed in the proper sequence: