Provides step-by-step instructions to generate all components of the InvokeReverse CICS Web service requester.
Use the
Generate Web Service dialog box to generate the components of your Web service requester.
Generate CICS Web Service Requester Components
- On the
Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, expand the
Reverse project's
wsdl folder.
- Right-click the
reverse.wsdl file; then select
Generate Web Service.
Be careful to select the
reverse.wsdl file contained in the
wsdl folder, and not the one in the
wsdl\reverse folder.
- Ensure that
reverse appears in both the
WSDL Service and
WSDL Port fields. This is represents default settings.
- In the
Operation(s) field, select
reverseRequest from the drop-down list.
- In the
Generate group, select the
Client radio button.
- In the
Program group's
Name field, type
invkRev, which is the name for the generated COBOL skeleton program.
- In the
Program group, check
CICS. This activates the
WEBSERVICE name field.
- In the
WEBSERVICE name field, type
invkRev, which is the name for the generated WSBIND file.
- Click
Enterprise Developer generates a new project in the solution named
invkRevCICSClientApp. It contains the following files:
- invkRev.cbl
- A skeleton CICS program.
- invkRI01.cpy
- A copybook containing the COBOL data structures required to send a SOAP request as input.
This file is generated but does not show in the
Solution Explorer.
- invkRO01.cpy
- A copybook containing the COBOL data structures required to receive a SOAP response message as output.
This file is generated but does not show in the
Solution Explorer.
- \invkRev.wsbind
- A bind file that maps the SOAP request to the data structure in
invkRI01.cpy, and maps the data structure in
invkRO01.cpy to the SOAP response message.
Move the invkRev.wsbind file
- Using Windows File Explorer or at a command prompt, change to the
Reverse project directory and create a new subdirectory named
- Copy or move the
invkRev.wsbind file from the
invkRevCICSClientApp project directory to the
Requester project directory.