To simplify scheduler configuration, you can store most
MFBSIJCL command line parameters for a given
Enterprise Server with Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) in a configuration file. Storing parameters in a configuration file means that potentially
the only parameter needed in order to execute
MFBSIJCL on a command line is the JCL member name.
By default, the name of the configuration file is
mfbsi.cfg and it resides in the location specified by the
MFBSI_DIR environment variable. You can change the default location and the file name as needed with the
CFG=... command line parameter, or by setting a value for the
MFBSI_CFG environment variable in the shell where
MFBSIJCL is running.
A template of the configuration file, named
mfbsi.cfg_model, is located in the
<install-directory>\etc folder.
That directory also contains the JCL file,
rc08.jcl, which invokes IDCAMS. You can use this JCL with MFBSI for your initial tests.
Format of the
mfbsi.cfg file
- An asterisk (*) or a semi-colon (;) in position 1 of a line indicate a comment. To enable a parameter defined in the file, delete the comment symbol and specify
a suitable value for the parameter.
- Any blank lines in the file are ignored.
- Parameter names are not case sensitive.
- Keyword parameter values are case insensitive. Other parameter values may be case sensitive, especially with directory extensions
on UNIX and Linux platforms.
- If a parameter is defined both in the configuration file and on the command line, the command line definition takes precedence.
- Some special parameters are only available from the configuration file and cannot be directly used from the command line.
- If you use the access codes
-j or
-x on the MFBSIJCL command line, the values of the configuration parameters
JCL-Submit and
JCL-Ext in
mfbsi.cfg are ignored.
When you use a configuration file, the minimum execution command line parameter you need to specify for
mfbsijcl is the name of the JCL file to submit with or without the extension. In this case, specify the following parameters in
- ES-Server=-r|-l|-sTCP
- Specifies how to access the enterprise server region.
- JCL-Submit=-j|-xJCLpathLocation
- Specifies the location of the enterprise server region or instance where the JCL will be submitted.
- -j
- Specifies jobfile name by content. The submitted file must be on the client's platform, which could be the same platform as
the target enterprise server. The submitted JCL is physically passed over the communications link. See
cassub for more information.
- -x
- Specifies the jobfile name by reference. The submitted file must be on the same platform as the enterprise server. This technique
is more efficient, since only the name of the file is passed by the communications link. See
cassub for more information.
- JCL-Ext=jcl_extension_name
- Specifies the extension to be used, if not specified in the command line parameter. Refers to the JCL file.
- SJobID=JobNo|StdOut|JCL
- Specifies how to output the MFBSIJCL execution log:
- JobNo
- Specifies a file in MFBSI_DIR named JOBnnnnnnn where
nnnnnnn is the job number.
- StdOut
- Directs the MFBSIJCL log to StdOut.
- Specifies a file in MFBSI_DIR named with the JCL member name.
- Specify this if you need to retrieve the JCL JESYSMSG execution log.
- Allow asyncronhous MFBSI submission.
- REGION=RegionName
- Specifies the target region/instance name when using a custom MFBSI_DIR. Where MFBSI_DIR path does not use the region/instance
name as the last directory:
- RegionName
- Is the target enterprise server region name.
- After substitution and including
//SYSIN DD * data, gets the full JCL submitted to Enterprise Server, which is shown in the
mfbsijcl output log.
- ES_PAC=pacname
- When running inside a Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC), this is the PAC name and is mandatory in
mfbsi.cfg. This requires
Enterprise Server 5.0 PU1 or later.
Note: This is mandatory when running in a PAC.
- psor_name=sor,host_ipaddress:port_number
- psor_name=sor,[userid@][configfile][,property=[value]]…
- 1 This is the connection string for a Redis-based PAC Scale-Out Repository (PSOR).This is the name of the PSOR being used followed
by SOR type, the host and or IP address, and then the port number. For example:
2 This is the connection string for an Oracle Coherence-based PAC Scale-Out Repository (PSOR). This is the optional user to
use when Oracle Coherence security is enabled. The configfile is the name, location, URL of the cache configuration file.
If this is omitted it defaults to
mfes-cache-config.xml. The Java property and corresponding value pair. For example,
MySOR=coherence,mfes-cache-config.xm,coherence.cluster=MyPAC_cluster,mfescache.wka.MyPAC_cluster= See
PAC and SOR Environment Variables for more information.
This entry is mandatory in
mfbsi.cfg file.
- When Redis sentinels are used, all of them must be identified
- This is mandatory when running in a PAC.
- When using
Micro Focus Batch Scheduler Integration (MFBSI) with a Coherence-based Scale-out Repository (SOR) for a Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC) the connection
string should be specified in a similar manner to when using Redis. See
Prerequisites in the
Scale-Out Performance and Availability Clusters chapter for more information.
Micro Focus strongly recommends you specify the connection from MFBSI as thin, remote even if the PAC is using thin, direct as the connections
are typically very short-lived and are better served by thin, remote connections.
The template configuration file includes a list of the parameters you can use:
- To access an enterprise server with Mainframe Subsystem Support and specify its name and location:
Note: When running inside a Performance and Availability Cluster (PAC),
Micro Focus recommends that you use
ES-Server=-sTCP that points to the address of a load balancer which will redirect requests to an available enterprise server instance.
- To submit a JCL file (-x or
–j) and specify the path to the JCL member directory:
Note: Do not use double quotes for directory names that include spaces.
PathToJCLfile can use one or more references to environment variables. In this case, you need to prefix the environment variable with a
$. For example,
The environment variables
JCL_PDS are substituted with their respective values.
- When using a custom MFBSI_DIR setting, the last part of the MFBSI_DIR path does not specify the region name:
- RegionName
- Is the target enterprise server region name.
- To specify the JCL file extension to add to the JCL member name specified on the command line:
- jcl_extension_name
- Is the extension to be used. The default is no extension. For example,
Note: You must not specify the period (".") before the extension.
- To specify the startup timeout in seconds before issuing an alert:
- To specify the run timeout in seconds before issuing an alert:
- To specify the alert back elapsed time in seconds:
- To avoid stopping the MFBSIJCL execution when the enterprise server is stopped and the job is still waiting for execution:
This is optional but recommended.
- To request the JESYSMSG log from the enterprise server written in the
SjobID.log file:
- To request the JESYSMSG log from the enterprise server and write it to StdOut:
- To assign a name for the MFBSI jobLog file:
- When using the job number assigned by the enterprise server:
- When using the JCL member name:
- To write the MFBSI job execution log to the standard output (StdOut):
- To request the execution of a pre-submit user-exit module:
Use the associated string passed to the pre-submit user-exit module to determine what action to perform (a maximum of 32 characters):
- To invoke a termination user exit just before terminating the execution of MFBSIJCL:
- By default, performing a soft-kill on an MFBSIJCL process that is waiting for JOB termination also cancels the JOB in Enterprise
Server before terminating.
Use the following parameter to avoid killing the JOB when the process is soft-killed:
By default,
- Optional, set to ON by default. This parameter is mainly useful if your JCL member contains a mix of STD NUM ON and OFF records.
With STDNUM=OFF, JCL records columns 73-80 content are ignored even if they contain any JCL statements or any in-stream data.
The previous MFBSI logic based on whether the contents of the first record include or not any JCL-containing data in columns
73-80 is maintained.
- To specify the type of JCL files other than the default one, JES2:
- Optional, when MSS security is enabled:
- To specify a user ID:
- To specify a password:
- To specify a security group:
- Symbolic parameters substitution and using the Control-M AutoEdit Facility.
To substitute parameters without accessing the Control-M AutoEdit facility, use:
Note: Using these parameters is mandatory when you use JCL parameters.
Substitution is requested with SkelProcessType.
To enable the specific Control-M AutoEdit Facility processing, use:
Optional, to substitute parameters even if no parameters are specified on the MFBSIJCL command line. This enables substitution
of system parameters like DATE, and DAY:
Optional, to specify the parameter substitution prefix as either one or two characters:
The default
parameterValue is
Optional, to specify the day the week starts:
The default value is
Optional, to force submitting the substituted JCL by reference or by content,
By default,
CASSUB... –j ... is used.
- Optional, to specify the use of API calls for CASSUB/CASOUT in place of their native commands, and avoid having to create
a new process for them specify:
- To specify the OS codes returned by MFBSIJCL if a job abends:
- With a SYSTEM abend:
- With a USER abend:
- With a Run-Time system abend:
- The default delays used by MFBSIJCL to check for a job state in Enterprise Server are as follows:
- Two seconds before each check for "Job Started".
- Ten seconds before each check for "Job Concluded".
You can use the following two parameters to configure these delays:
- nn
- Indicates a delay in seconds with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 60 seconds.
- MFBSIJCL automatically optimizes the lookup delay.
When AUTO is used, MFBSIJCL uses an initial delay of one second for three minutes after which the default values are restored.
Using these parameters significantly reduces the overhead elapsed time in MFBSIJCL when compared to the Enterprise Server
JCL reported execution time of a job. This has an effect mainly in scenarios when you have short-running jobs that are frequently
- When
JOBSTART-LOOKUP-FREQ are set to AUTO, you can use the parameter
to customize the delay used by MFBSIJCL. For example, you can switch from high lookup frequency back to the default values.
Job-AUTO-Delay to set the value from 1 to 60 (in minutes). The default is 3 minutes.
- Optional, to specify the maximum possible delay (in minutes) for an ended job to conclude in MSS/JCL:
The default value is six minutes.
- To produce a detailed trace log of mfbsijcl execution. That can be used if requested by
Micro Focus Support. This is not recommended in a production environment: