Create and configure the Enterprise Server

A new Enterprise Server hosts the CICS environment.
  1. Click Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer > Tools > Enterprise Developer Command Prompt (32-bit). The Enterprise Developer command prompt appears.
  2. Create a new CICS resource definition file by entering: caspcrd /c /dp=C:\CTG\CTGDEMO\system into the command prompt you just opened. A sequence of messages appears in the window, culminating in the message: Resource file created successfully.
  3. Within Enterprise Developer, select View > Server Explorer, right-click Micro Focus Servers and select Administration. This opens the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) user interface.
  4. In ESCWA, to create a new enterprise server region click Native.
  5. In the navigation pane, click Directory Server > Default.
  6. Click * New This displays the New Region dialog box.
  7. In the Name field, type CTGDEMO. Check MSS Enabled.
  8. You will not be accessing CICS via a TN3270 terminal, so uncheck Create TN3270 listener.
  9. Click Save to create the enterprise server region.
  10. In the navigation pane, click Directory Server > Default > CTGDEMO This takes you to the General Properties page.
  11. Enter the following into the Configuration Information field:
  12. In the Startup Options group, check Allow Dynamic Debugging.
  13. Click Apply.
  14. Click CICS > Configuration.
    • In the System Initialization Table field, type DEMOSIT.
    • In the Transaction Path field, type $ESPROJ\loadlib.
    • In the File Path field, type $ESPROJ\data.
    • In the Map Path field, type $ESPROJ\loadlib.
    • In the Resource Definition File Path field, type $ESPROJ\system.
  15. Click Apply.