To buy and activate a full license

To buy a license for Enterprise Developer, contact your sales representative or OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products.

For instructions on using the Micro Focus License Administration Tool, see Managing Licenses in the Enterprise Developer help.

Activating the license from the IDE

When you have bought your license you are given a license file or an authorization code with which to activate the product.

  1. Start Enterprise Developer.

    If you have not installed a license for Enterprise Developer, trying to use the Micro Focus functionality for the first time after you install the product results in a warning message. Visual Studio displays an information bar with a message that Enterprise Developer does not have a valid license.

  2. To install your license:
    1. Click Install license in the Visual Studio information bar.

      If you have closed the information bar, you can invoke the licensing dialog box from Help > Micro Focus Product Help > Product Licensing.

    2. Supply your license in the Micro Focus Enterprise Developer Product Licensing dialog box:
      • If you have a license file - click Browse next to the License file field, select the license file (with an .mflic or an .xml extension), and click Open. Click Authorize to install the license.
      • If you have an authorization code - paste the code in the Authorization code field, and then click Authorize.
        Restriction: You can use authorization codes in the IDE only with an Internet connection, and not in offline scenarios.