Example - Building Mainframe Applications

The following example shows how to use Jenkins projects to build a mainframe applications.

You are going to use Enterprise Developer and the BankDemo sample stored in the \Mainframe\BankDemo subfolder in the location of the Enterprise Developer samples (which is c:\users\Public\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\BankDemo by default).

Example of building a mainframe project with Jenkins

Before you create a Jenkins project:

  • Install Enterprise Developer for Visual Studio on the machine where you want to build the sample.

Prepare your mainframe sample:

  • Follow the tutorial Getting started with Enterprise Developer to create your application and then add the sample's files to your project.

    Your mainframe solution is stored in the C:\MFETDUSER\Bankdemo\Projects\Studio folder.

To create a Jenkins project for building the sample:

  1. Create a new freestyle project.
  2. Configure the project to work with COBOL - see Setting up the Environment.
  3. In the project's configuration page, in the Build section, click Add build step > Execute Windows batch command.
  4. Enter the following in the Command field:
    call "VSCMDpath\VsDevCmd.bat"

    Where VSCMDpath is the location of the Visual Studio command prompt batch file. For example, for Visual Studio 2022 Professional this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\Tools. Executing this sets the environment for building COBOL projects created with Visual Studio.

  5. Enter the following on a new line in the same field:
    MSBuild "C:\MFETDUSER\Bankdemo\Projects\Studio\BankDemo.sln"
  6. Click Apply and then Save.
  7. Click Build Now to build the project.