Import and Configure the PLIMQS Enterprise Server Instance

Walks you through the process of importing the pre-configured PLIMQS enterprise server instance, setting configuration options, and reviewing its default settings.

Import MQS_SERVERS.xml

  1. In the Visual Studio Server Explorer, right-click Micro Focus Servers, and select Administration from the context menu.

    This opens the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration Web (ESCWA) UI in your default Web browser.

    Attention: You might encounter an Enterprise Server Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server region from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured box is unchecked, and then click OK. Also, if prompted to disable password recovery, click No.
  2. On the Region and Server List page, click Import.
  3. On the Choose Import Type page, click XML, and click Next.
  4. Open Windows explorer, and navigate to %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\PLI-VS\MQSDEMO.
  5. Drag the MQS_SERVERS.xml file and drop it on the Upload File page, and then click Next.
  6. On the Import Options page, click Next.
  7. On the Perform Import page, click Import, and then click Finish. The system returns to the Region and Server List page.

    The PLIMQS server is listed on the Region and Server List page.

Configure general properties

  1. Hover the row for the PLIMQS entry in the list of servers, and click its Edit (Edit) button.

    This action opens the General Properties page for the server.

  2. On the General Properties page, in the Configuration Information section, edit the value for the MQSDEMO variable to remove the quotes and specify PLI-VS so that it reads as in the following example:
    MQSDEMO=%PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\PLI-VS\MQSDEMO
  3. Click Apply.

Review server settings

Before starting the PLIMQS server, use ESCWA to verify the connection to MQS by examining the XA Resource and MSS PL/I connection information. You need to review the settings and compare them with the ones described here. Ensure you click Apply on each page where you make any changes.

  1. Click the down arrow next to General in the taskbar at the top of the properties pane, and click XA Resources in the drop-down list.
  2. on the ESCWA page for the server named PLIMQS, select Server > Properties XA Resources to display XA Resource connection information in the XA Resources tab.
  3. Verify the following XA resource information. You can change the ID and Name values to something meaningful to your installation. Use the Displayed Columns button to show the files that are hidden. The QMNAME (in open string) should be modified to match the name of your Queue Manager. For example:
    • ID: MQS
    • Name: MQS
    • Module: ESMQXA
    • Open String:QMNAME=WSTEST.QM,tpm-=cics,AXLIB=casaxlib
    • Close String: <blank>
    • Description: <blank>
    • Enabled: <selected>

    Change or add values as needed and click Apply.