Walks you through the process of creating an
Enterprise Developer project for the CarsProgram demonstration application, and populating the project with demonstration files.
Create the ProgramRESTAPI project
- In Visual Studio, click
- In the
Create a new project dialog box, select
COBOL from the
Language drop-down list.
- In the two remaining drop-down lists, select
Windows and
Enterprise Server respectively.
- Select
Enterprise Server Application.
- Click
- Complete the
Name and
Location fields as follows:
By default, this is the name of both the project and the solution.
- Check
Place solution and project in the same directory.
- Click
Visual Studio opens the
Solution Explorer for the
ProgramRESTAPI solution, showing the
ProgramRESTAPI project.
Add CarsProgram demonstration files to the project
- Add COBOL source
- Right-click the
ProgramRESTAPI project, and select
Add > Existing Item from the context menu.
- Browse to the
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Interface Mapping Toolkit\ServiceInterfaces\CarsProgram directory.
- On the list of files, select the
CarsProgram.cbl and
cars.cpy files, and then click
- Build the project to create the folder structure for the build output.
- Add the
cars.xml data file
- Using Windows
File Explorer or at a command prompt, change to the
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Interface Mapping Toolkit\ServiceInterfaces\CarsProgram directory.
- Copy the
cars.xml file to the following location:
Set project properties
- In the Visual Studio
Solution Explorer, right-click the
ProgramRESTAPI project, and then select
Properties from the context menu.
- On the project properties menu ribbon, click
- In the
Additional directives field, type:
xmlgen(.\bin\x64\Debug) xmlgen(ws)
Save the ProgramRESTAPI project
- In the
Solution Explorer, select the
ProgramRESTAPI project, and then click
File > Save ProgramRESTAPI from the Visual Studio main menu.