- Click
- Type
.NET in the
Search field.
Restriction: .NET COBOL projects only support Windows and Linux OS. The
Create a new project dialog box, however, shows other platforms as supported.
- Select
COBOL from the first drop-down menu (which contains
All languages by default).
Both .NET Framework and .NET templates are listed.
- Select the .NET template that you want to use.
- Click
- In the
Project name field, type a name for the project.
- In the
Location field, browse to the directory in which to store the project, and click
- On the
Additional Information page, specify the following:
- Framework - this release supports .NET 8.0.
- Automatically include compilable items - specify whether COBOL source files should be added to the project file. Checking this can help keep the project smaller.
- Automatically include non-compilable project items - specify whether non-source files such as copybooks should be added to the project file. Leaving this unchecked can help
keep the project smaller.
- Use COBOL Runtime Metapackage - only check this if you want the project to include the COBOL Run-Time System NuGet metapackage. This package is included
for compatibility with .NET projects created with earlier releases of
Enterprise Developer.
Micro Focus recommends you leave this option unchecked for new projects. In this case, projects link to the
MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.Core NuGet package which has the core functionality. If you need to add any additional
Micro Focus COBOL NuGet packages, use the
Application page in the project's properties to specify any extra ones. This can help keep your applications smaller, and with fewer
dependencies. See
To package
Micro Focus COBOL .NET assemblies with a .NET application.
- Click
Note: An alternative way to create a .NET project is to use the
dotnet new command. See
Creating a .NET Project Using the Command Line.
Micro Focus COBOL functionality to include with a .NET project
- If you need to include SQL support in your project there are additional steps you need to perform. See
Configuring a .NET Project for SQL Support for more information.
- If you will be deploying the project to an Azure .NET environment you need to modify the settings of the CALLFH and CALLSORT
directives in order to avoid dependency issues with the C runtime. See
Deploying to Azure .NET in
.NET Known Issues and Restrictions for more information.