Use the command line utility to perform compare or synchronization without having to load the user interface.
You can run the utility directly from the command prompt, or add commands to a batch file, then use a scheduler to run the
batch file.
- prefix
- The filter to use to select files and members. By default, * selects all.
- local-dir
- The directory on the workstation.
- data-set
- The data set or Endevor resource on the mainframe.
- EXT|EXTENSION=extension
- The extension to give each synchronized member on the workstation.
- If you do not specify "EXTENSION" or specify "EXTENSION=" it will result in files downloaded without an extension.
- If you specify "EXTENSION=*" you will get an extension that matches the last part of the data set name. For example, if the
source data set is
a.b.c.d then the file extension will be
- Everything else results in the extension specified. For example, "EXTENSION=txt" will result in files downloaded with a
.txt extension.
- Allows the prefix to be in the format of a regular expression.
To ensure the utility can connect to the mainframe without user intervention, set the MFA_SERVER_PARMS environment variable
and the MFDAS SETUSER command at the head of your batch file, or from the command line. For example:
MFDAS SETUSER usr1 pass1