Edit a Record

Before you make any changes to the file, Micro Focus recommends that you make a copy of the original file. The original file should be located at c:\MFETDUSER\datafiles.

In the editor, you can insert, copy, modify, and delete multiple records.

  1. In Server Explorer, expand the BANKDEMO server and double-click MFI01V.MFIDEMO.BNKACC.

    MF10V.MFIDEMO.BNKACC opens in the editor.

  2. Double-click a record and start typing to modify it. Alternatively, you can right-click the record and select Edit to start typing from the beginning of the record.
  3. Press Enter when you have finished making edits and see that the edited record is highlighted.
    Tip: You can set the color of the highlighted records in the Preferences.