HACloud Configuration File

HACloud Session Server comes with some out-of-the-box default configuration settings for ESCWA and MFDS. The settings are available in a configuration file in the product installation.

Micro Focus recommends that you edit this file before you start using HACloud and change the default passwords as a minimum in the configuration file. In addition, if ESCWA and MFDS are configured with non-default settings or you want to use an HTTPS connection, secure credentials, and trusted certificates for the server sessions, you need to configure these as well.

Settings available in the user preferences configuration file

Note: This is a change from releases 8.0 and 9.0. See Upgrading HACloud from Previous Releases for details.

The configuration settings file, application-userprefs.properties, is available in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\hacloud folder (Windows) or in the etc subfolder in the product installation (UNIX).

You need to review and update the settings as required. To edit the file, start a text editor with administrator's (Windows) or with root (UNIX) permissions.

Important: Micro Focus recommends that you create a copy of this file before you modify it.
# Log Levels  #

# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationServiceEnterprise: INFO
# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationLoader: INFO
# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.VaultAccess: INFO

# Logfile Settings #

# logging.file.max-size: 256MB
# logging.file.total-size-cap: 2GB
# logging.file.max-history: 30
# logging.file.clean-history-on-start: true

# ESCWA Integration Settings #

# HTTP URL on which ESCWA should be contacted
# MFDS host on which to query available 3270 endpoints

# Endpoint Configuration #
# server.port=7443
# server.ssl.enabled=false

# Key/Trust Store Settings #
# Session Server keystore password
# Trusted certificiate store password

The contents of the file on UNIX are:

# Log Levels  #

# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationServiceEnterprise: INFO
# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationLoader: INFO
# logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.VaultAccess: INFO

# Logfile Settings #

# logging.file.max-size: 256MB
# logging.file.total-size-cap: 2GB
# logging.file.max-history: 30
# logging.file.clean-history-on-start: true

# ESCWA Integration Settings #

# HTTP URL on which ESCWA should be contacted
# MFDS host on which to query available 3270 endpoints

# Endpoint Configuration #
# server.port=7443
# server.ssl.enabled=false

# Key/Trust Store Settings #
# Session Server keystore password
# Trusted certificiate store password

The parameters you can change in this file are as follows:

Logging parameters:
Specifies the level of verbosity for all Enterprise Server interactions. The default verbosity of the messages is ERROR. Uncomment this setting, if you want to change the verbosity level. The supported values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
Specifies the level of verbosity when loading the HACloud settings. The default verbosity of the messages is ERROR. Uncomment this setting, if you want to change the verbosity level. The supported values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
Specifies the level of verbosity when accessing protected vault information. The default verbosity of the messages is ERROR. Uncomment this setting, if you want to change the verbosity level. The supported values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.
Maximum size for each log file.
Maximum total size for all log files.
Maximum days until log files destroyed.
Log files cleaned according to rules on every startup.
ESCWA parameters:
The URL on which ESCWA is running. The default one is http://localhost:10086.
The host on which MFDS is running.
The port on which MFDS is running.
Server connection and authentication parameters:
server.port=7443 is the HTTP server end-point on which you can contact the HACloud Session Server.
server.ssl.enabled=false/true specifies whether TLS should be enabled. This is a change from release 9.0, where this was controlled by the hacloud.properties file. If profiles.active=no-tls was set in that file, TLS was disabled. If no setting was explicitly set, TLS would be enabled.
Specify the password to use to secure the Server Session keystore. The default password for the keystore is changeit and Micro Focus recommends that you change it.
Specify the password to use to secure the trust store. The default password for the keystore is changeit and you need to change it.