HACloud Session Server comes with some out-of-the-box default configuration settings for ESCWA and MFDS. The settings are available in a configuration file in the product installation.
Micro Focus recommends that you edit this file before you start using HACloud and change the default passwords as a minimum in the configuration file. In addition, if ESCWA and MFDS are configured with non-default settings or you want to use an HTTPS connection, secure credentials, and trusted certificates for the server sessions, you need to configure these as well.
The configuration settings file, application-userprefs.properties, is available in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\hacloud folder (Windows) or in the etc subfolder in the product installation (UNIX).
You need to review and update the settings as required. To edit the file, start a text editor with administrator's (Windows) or with root (UNIX) permissions.
############### # Log Levels # ############### # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationServiceEnterprise: INFO # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationLoader: INFO # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.VaultAccess: INFO #################### # Logfile Settings # #################### # logging.file.max-size: 256MB # logging.file.total-size-cap: 2GB # logging.file.max-history: 30 # logging.file.clean-history-on-start: true ############################## # ESCWA Integration Settings # ############################## # HTTP URL on which ESCWA should be contacted hacloud.es.escwaurl=http://localhost:10086 # MFDS host on which to query available 3270 endpoints hacloud.es.mfdshost= hacloud.es.mfdsport=86 ########################## # Endpoint Configuration # ########################## # server.port=7443 # server.ssl.enabled=false ############################ # Key/Trust Store Settings # ############################ # Session Server keystore password server.ssl.key-store-password=changeit # Trusted certificiate store password server.ssl.trust-store-password=changeit
The contents of the file on UNIX are:
############### # Log Levels # ############### # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationServiceEnterprise: INFO # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.ConfigurationLoader: INFO # logging.level.com.microfocus.zfe.enterprise.VaultAccess: INFO #################### # Logfile Settings # #################### # logging.file.max-size: 256MB # logging.file.total-size-cap: 2GB # logging.file.max-history: 30 # logging.file.clean-history-on-start: true ############################## # ESCWA Integration Settings # ############################## # HTTP URL on which ESCWA should be contacted hacloud.es.escwaurl=http://localhost:10086 # MFDS host on which to query available 3270 endpoints hacloud.es.mfdshost= hacloud.es.mfdsport=86 ########################## # Endpoint Configuration # ########################## # server.port=7443 # server.ssl.enabled=false ############################ # Key/Trust Store Settings # ############################ # Session Server keystore password server.ssl.key-store-password=changeit # Trusted certificiate store password server.ssl.trust-store-password=changeit
The parameters you can change in this file are as follows: