Creating the image
For users of Enterprise Developer for Eclipse (Windows):
On Windows, the CICS container demonstration includes a batch file (bld.bat) to make the process of creating the image for the demonstration as easy as possible. This topic lists and describes the
parameters that you can specify when running
The command to execute the batch file to create the CICS containers image is as follows:
bld.bat IacceptEULA { {dn|x64|x86} [debug] |
rmi }
bld.bat IacceptEULA [hotfix hotfix.exe] [verbose] [usemcr]
[dotnetver a.b.c] [java^|openjdk] [javaversion nn]
[showverinfo] [memlimit nnG] [nomemlimit] [installloc]
For users of Enterprise Developer for Eclipse (UNIX), or Enterprise Developer UNIX Components:
On UNIX, the CICS container demonstration includes a shell script ( to make the process of running the demonstration as easy as possible. This topic lists and describes the parameters that
you can specify when running
The command to execute the shell script to run the CICS container demonstration is as follows:
./ IacceptEULA
[nojava | (java | oraclejava) [javaversion=java-version]]
The parameters to use with
bld.bat and are:
- installloc
- If not specified, the default path is used.
- debug
- Indicates that you want to debug the CICS application rather than simply execute it. Specifying
Dockerfile.debug to be run rather than
- dn
- Indicates that you want to run the CICS application in a .NET environment.
Dockerfile.dn to be run rather than
- x64
- Indicates that the resulting created image is a 64-bit one.
Dockerfile.x64 to be run rather than
- x86
- Indicates that the resulting created image is a 32-bit one.
Dockerfile.x86 to be run rather than
- rmi
- Indicates that you want to remove any previously-created CICS container demonstration images. Specifying
rmi results in the execution of a number of
docker rmi --forceor
podman rmi --force commands to remove any CICS container demonstration images.
- IacceptEULA
- Indicates that you accept the
Micro Focus End User License Agreement (EULA). If you do not specify
IacceptEULA, no image is created.
- dryrun
- Indicates that you do not want to run any Docker or podman commands. Use
dryrun with the
verbose parameter to display the Docker or podman commands without running them.
- esadminuser=admin-id
- Specifies the ID to be used for the Enterprise Server admin user.
- esadmgid=admin-gid
- Specifies the group ID to use for the Enterprise Server admin user.
- esadmuid=admin-uid
- Specifies the user ID to use for the Enterprise Server admin user.
- hotfix=tar-file-name
- This option is only for installing a Patch Update version. Specify the name of the installable executable
.tar file as mentioned above, without the extension. For example: hotfix=setup_visualcobol_devhub_for_docker_9.0_patchupdate03_312109_
- java
- Indicates that you want the image to include Java support provided by Adoptium's OpenJDK. Use the
javaversion parameter to specify the version of Java that you want support for.
- javaversion=java-version
- When specified in conjunction the
java parameter,
java-version can be 8, 10-18.
- login
- Indicates that you want to create a login image. Using this option results in image that you can use to log in to (using any
details specified by the
logingname and
loginname parameters). Once logged in to this image you can execute shell or
Enterprise Developer commands.
This option is useful if you are not adding any application files to a base image but want to be able to use
Enterprise Developer commands from it.
When you specify
login the tag of the image created is suffixed with "_login".
- logingid=login-gid
- Specifies the group ID to use for the user specified by the
loginid parameter.
- loginid=login-id
- Specifies the user ID to use for the login image.
- logingname=login-gname
- Specifies the group name to use for the user specified by the
loginid parameter.
- loginname=login-name
- Specifies the user name to use for the user specified by the
loginid parameter.
- nojava
- Indicates that you do not want Java to be installed in the base image. You might want to use this parameter if your system
already includes a number of different versions of Java and you don't want to introduce another version unnecessarily.
- nologin
- Indicates that you do not want to create a login image. You would typically want to use this option when creating an image
that contains an application rather than just a base image for
Enterprise Developer. This is the default.
- notools
- Indicates that you do not want the image to contain the IP tools (such as ping and netcat) that are included in the image
by default. Use this option if you do not need the tools and want to minimize the size of the image.
- odbc|odbc-dev
- Specifies that the odbc run-time library or the odbc developer tools library is installed.
(UNIX/Linux platforms only.)
- package
- Indicates that you want to rebuild the COBOL application in this image.
- settings
- Causes the settings that will be used for various properties of the image to be displayed on-screen. Properties that are displayed
include the names of the installable file and the license file for
Enterprise Developer, the details to be used for the Enterprise Server admin user, and the details to be used for the login image. Specifying
settings does not cause an image to be created.
- verbose
- Causes Docker or podman commands to be displayed on-screen as they are executed.
Build the application code
- Navigate to this example folder in the command window.
- To build the application code, enter:
bld x64
Running the demonstration
You can run the image created by the CICS container demonstration with the
docker runor
podman run command. To manage the container's enterprise servers, you use the ESCWA interface.
To run the x86 acctdemo image:
docker run -p 16002:10086 -p 9040-9060:9040-9060 -p 9000-9010:9000-9010 -ti --network="nat" --rm microfocus/edbuildtools-acctdemo:win_8.0_x86
To run the x64 acctdemo image:
docker run -p 16002:10086 -p 9040-9060:9040-9060 -p 9000-9010:9000-9010 -ti --network="nat" --rm microfocus/edbuildtools-acctdemo:win_8.0_x64
To use the image:
- Locate the ip address of the container, this can be done using the following:
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress}}" <container id>
<container id> is the long number assigned to each container upon run. You can abbreviate it by entering just the first 4-5 characters of
- Set the ip address from the above and port 9004 (9040 for the x64 image) into the port in your terminal emulator.
- Connect to the port in your terminal emulator, and run ACCT transaction.
- From the host machine, you can also submit the provided JCL in ESCWA and check its output from the SPOOL page.
To access ESCWA from a browser, load the following URL:
http://localhost:16002, where the port parameter was specified when you ran the image:
-p 16002:10086