To generate client applications from a service interface file

Note: Each new Eclipse project uses default Eclipse settings. Therefore, be sure to manually update property settings before generating a COBOL console client when your project requires settings other than the Eclipse defaults.

To generate a console and Java client:

  • In the Application Explorer view, right-click a Java Interface; then click Generate Client from the context menu.

To generate a console and Web Services client from a service interface:

  1. In the Application Explorer view, right-click a Web Service; then click Generate Client from the context menu.
  2. Windows platforms: Do one of the following to specify the how to store the generated client:
    • Click No project.
    • Click Current project.
    • Click Select a COBOL project; and then type the project name in the Project receiving generated client field, or use the Select button to specify the project.
    • Click Create a new COBOL project; then provide a project name and location using the New COBOL Project dialog box.

    UNIX platforms: Click Create a new COBOL project; then provide a project name and location using the New COBOL Project dialog box.

  3. Type the path to the output directory into the Output directory field, or use the Browse button to specify a location.
    • For a REST services you can generate a client from a JSON or a YAML file:
      1. Check Use JSON/YAML.
      2. In the JSON/YAML file field, type the path and file name for the file. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate to it.
      3. In the String size field, type the default string size to use for unbounded strings.
      4. In the Array size field, type the default array size to use for unbounded arrays.
    • For a SOAP service you can only generate a client from a WSDL file:
      1. Check Use WSDL.
      2. In the WSDL file field, type the path and file name for the WSDL file. Alternatively, click Browse and navigate to the WSDL file.
      3. In the String size field, type the default string size to use for unbounded strings.
      4. In the Array size field, type the default array size to use for unbounded arrays.
      Note: The location you can browse to find the WSDL or JSON/YAML files is consistent with the project type, that is, a remote project can only browse the remote machine.
  4. Click OK.