Provides step-by-step instructions to generate all components of the InvokeReverseJSON CICS Web service requester.
Use the
New CICS Web Service wizard to generate the components of your Web service requester.
- From the
Application Explorer view, right-click the
InvokeReverseJSON project, and select
New > Interface > CICS Web Service. This starts the
New CICS Web Service Wizard.
- Under
Service type, select
JSON message processing.
- From the drop-down list, select
CICS Web Service Requester (Top-Down, Linkable Interface); then click
Project field is already populated with the name of the current project,
- In the
Service name field, type
invkRevJ; then click
- Click the
Browse button that corresponds to the
JSON schema field.
- Navigate to and double-click the
reverse.json file, located in your project's
schema folder.
- In the
Output artifacts group, type
REQ into the
Request file prefix field.
- Click the
Browse button that corresponds to the
Bundle field.
- Navigate to your project directory.
- On the
Select a folder for the request bundle dialog box, double-click the
bundles folder.
- Select the
REQBNDL folder, and then click
- In the
JSON transform field, type
REVREQUEST; then click
- Click the
Browse button that corresponds to the
JSON schema field.
- Navigate to and select the
reverse.json file, located in your project's
schema folder.
- In the
Output artifacts group, type
RESP into the
Response file prefix field.
- On the
Select a folder for the response bundle dialog box, double-click the
bundles folder.
- Select the
RESPBNDL folder, and then click
- In the
JSON transform field, type
REVRESPONSE; then click
Enterprise Developer generates the following CICS Web Service components:
- A COBOL copybook that contains the request data structure.
- A COBOL copybook that contains the response data structure.
- bundles\REQBNDL
- jsbinds\reverse.json
- The JSON schema that describes the request data structure.
- jsbinds\REVREQUEST.jsbind
- The JSON binding file that used to transform the COBOL request data into JSON.
- META-INF\cics.xml
- A manifest file that defines the type of bundle, it's location, and filename. In this case, the type is JSONTRANSFRM and its
- A log file that contains information about the content of the REVREQUEST.jsbind file. This log file can be useful to
OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products to help diagnose problems should they arise.
- bundles\RESPBNDL
- jsbinds\reverse.json
- The JSON schema that describes the response data structure.
- jsbinds\REVRESPONSE.jsbind
- The JSON binding file that used to transform the COBOL response message into COBOL.
- META-INF\cics.xml
- A manifest file that defines the type of bundle, its location, and filename. In this case, the type is JSONTRANSFRM and its
- A log file that contains information about the content of the REVRESPONSE.jsbind file. This log file can be useful to
OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products to help diagnose problems should they arise.