IMS DB system commands supported by
Enterprise Test Server, which are a subset of all IMS DB commands.
- /DIS
- Syntax:
/DIS[PLAY] DB ALL | database1 [database2] ...
- Syntax Rules:
- This returns the current status of each of the named databases.
- 1 to 16 databases can be specified or the “ALL” parameter.
- ES-IMS only returns database status for those databases it knows about. ES-IMS accesses databases as they are accessed by
application programs and system commands, so the list of "known" databases grows dynamically.
- Database statuses::
- UNKNOWN - The database name is not valid. There is no ACB defined for this DB.
- NOTOPEN - The database is defined but has not been accessed.
- OPEN - The database is currently being accessed by an application program.
- CLOSED - The database has been opened but is not currently open.
- STOPPED - The database is stopped and not available to MPP, BMP or CICS-DLI programs.
- /STO
- Syntax:
/STO[P] DB database1 [database2] ...
- Sytax Rules:
- The STOP command stops a database or a list of databases.
- When a database is stopped, it is not accessible from MPP, BMP or CICS-DLI programs. The database is only accessible from
IMSDBU or batch DLI programs.
- This command is run synchronously. It will suspend until the database is closed and stopped.
- /STA
- Syntax:
/STA[RT] DB database1 [database2] ...
- Syntax Rules:
- The START command starts a database or a list of databases.
- Use the START command to make the database available to online, BMP and CICS-DLI programs.