Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
- PFkeys
Click this to set parameters for MFS function keys.
- Trancode
Click this to specify IMS trancode construction.
- Reorder
Click this to reorder MFS MIDs and MODs.
- Assembler
Click this to set Assembler generation options.
- MID Name
Type a new MID name if you want to override the AMB-generated name. The default MID name reflects the number of characters
in the screen name, as follows:
4-char name - screennameMI
7-char name - screennameI
8-char name - screennameI, where I replaces the 8th character
- MID Number
Type a number to generate the EXIT parameter on the MID segment statement using your number as the exit routine number.
Valid values are 0 through 127.
- MID Vector
Type a number to generate the EXIT parameter on the MID segment statement using your number as the exit vector number.
Valid values are 0 through 255.
- MID Default Values
Check this to treat initial values as the default values for fields in the MFS-generated MID.
- MOD Name
Type a new MOD name if you want to override the AMB-generated name. The default MOD name reflects the number of characters
in the screen name, as follows:
4-char name - screennameMO
7-char name - screennameO
8-char name - screennameO, where O replaces the 8th character
- MOD Fill Char
Click one of the following options to generate fill characters in the MOD segment statement:
None - Use spaces for the fill character (default).
Null - Do not use fill characters. This causes the field to be truncated. Programs that specify a Null fill character must handle
variable-length fields.
PT - Use the program tab character for the fill character.
Character - Specify the use of a specific character as the fill character. Also type the character value in the field to its
- Trancode Field Name
- Select the field name to hold the transaction code or operator logical paging command. Alternatively, select
*PF and assign the PF key value on the MFS Function Keys dialog box, or
*TC and construct a transaction code on the Trancode Construction dialog box.
- Trancode Literal
Type a literal value as the transaction code. The default is the screen name.
- Lines per Page
Type the number of lines to print on a page if the
Device Type is a printer.
- Device Type
Type the standard device characters for different model terminals and printers. Defaults are IBM-recommended device characters.
See your IBM MFS or IMS installation manual for further details.
Type a new value for the Default System Control Area if you want to override it. The default value is X'00A0'.
- DIF-DOF Name
Type a new value if you want to override the AMB-generated name. The default DIF-DOF name reflects the number of characters
in the screen name, as follows:
4-char name - screennameDF
6- char name - screenname$
8-char name - screenname, truncated to six characters
- Operator Logical Paging
Check this to request operator logical paging.
- Cursor Feedback
- Check this to define a field in the MID as the cursor feedback field. This field provides cursor information for input processing.
To hold the information, Builder appends two half-word binary fields to the screen records screen-CURSOR-ROW and screen-CURSOR-COL.
Cursor feedback fields do not affect output cursor positioning.
- LABELED Screen
Check this to append the screen name to the input message.