WCRT005: No columns specified for the object. Make sure you choose columns for the index or relationship definition. If you are specifying an index, make sure you specify
column names in the Index Columns list. If you are specifying a relationship, make sure a foreign key column is specified
for each primary key column in the list.
WCRT015: No length specified for field # fieldnum. A field was specified without a length. Specify a valid length for the field. Some data types (e.g. Smallint, Integer, Float,
Date, Time, etc.) have a fixed length and do not require a length to be entered. Others (e.g. Decimal, Char, Varchar, Graphic,
& Vargraphic) require a length to be specified.
WCRT016: No column with a matching type found. An attempt was made to move a foreign key column to a new position within the Foreign Key Cols -> Referenced Key Cols list.
However, no referenced column with a matching data type and length was found in the direction you tried to move. Remember
that foreign key columns and referenced key columns must match in data type and length.
WCRT024: Location specified in Alias Name. There is no need to qualify the alias name with a location, as the location may be chosen from the list. Please enter a one-part
(i.e. alias name alone) or a two-part name (i.e. sqlid.alias-name), and specify the locations from the list.
WCRT025: No target location(s) specified for the Alias. When creating an alias you must specify at least one location where it is to be created. Choose locations from the Target
Locations Not Selected list to move over to the Target Locations Selected list.
WCRT028: Location name already exists. XDB Server locations must be given unique names. The location name specified already exists in the SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS catalog
table. Choose another name.