Objects Used by the SQL Option Server

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

This topic describes the paths and object names that are created and/or used by the SQL Option Server when you create various data objects in SQL Option Server locations. The storage structure and object names depend on the options you specify in your CREATE statements. In the chart, the first two columns of a given row define the condition that is described in the remaining columns of that row (by reading across).

If stogroup is sysdeflt, the location path is used as the stogroup path. When objects are created, the ..\loc-path\dbname\ path is used.

To generate file names for objects that have names greater than 8 characters (for example, 18-character table names), The SQL Option Server truncates the long name to 8 characters. If the resulting file name would not be unique, a unique file name is generated automatically.

The following list explains the abbreviations used in the chart:

Abbreviation Meaning
Dbname Database name
Tsname Table space name
Sto-name Storage Group name
Dbsto-path Disk drive and path defined for the database (DB) stogroup.
Tssto-path Disk drive and path defined for the table space (TS) stogroup.
Loc-path Disk drive and path defined for the location.

This chart does not list all possible combinations of creation conditions. Only the more common conditions are shown.

If you create a And you specify a The SQL Option Server creates or uses ..
Path Stogroup Database Table/Index Space
Stogroup Volumes


(No path defined)

..\loc-path\dbname\ path is used when objects are created Sto-name you enter n/a n/a
Stogroup Volumes



XdbVolPath you enter in SYSIBM.SYSVOLUMES

(for example, c:\sto-path)

Sto-name you enter n/a n/a
Database ------ c:\loc-path\dbname\ SYSDEFLT DBname you enter n/a
Database Stogroup c:\DBsto-path\ Sto-name you enter DBname you enter n/a
Table Space Database c:\loc-path\dbname\ SYSDEFLT DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table Space Database


(Sto-path for the named stogroup is missing from SYSIBM. SYSVOLUMES)

c:\loc-path\dbname\ SYSDEFLT DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table Space Database


(Sto-path exists in SYSIBM. SYSVOLUMES and on op system)

c:\TSsto-path\ Sto-name you enter DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table ------ c:\loc-path\DSNDB04\*.tab SYSDEFLT DSNDB04 TSname is first 8 characters of table name (or system generated unique name, if needed)
Table Database

(DB has NO stogroup)

c:\loc-path\dbname\*.tab SYSDEFLT DBname you enter TSname is first 8 characters of table name (or system generated unique name, if needed)
Table Database

(DB has a stogroup)

c:\DBsto-path\*.tab Same sto-name as the database's stogroup DBname you enter TSname is first 8 characters of table name (or system generated unique name, if needed)
Table Database


(DB has NO stogroup; TS has NO stogroup)

c:\loc-path\dbname\*.tab SYSDEFLT DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table Database


(DB has NO stogroup; TS has a stogroup)

c:\TSsto-path\*.tab Same sto-name as the table space's stogroup DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table Database


(DB has a stogroup; TS has NO stogroup)

c:\DBsto-path\*.tab Same sto-name as the database's stogroup DBname you enter TSname you enter
Table Database


(DB has a stogroup; TS has a stogroup)

c:\TSsto-path\*.tab Same sto-name as the table space's stogroup DBname you enter TSname you enter
Index Tablename

(DB has NO stogroup)

Same path as associated table..\*.idx and ..\*.ptr SYSDEFLT DBname to which associated table belongs Index space name is same as index name
Index Tablename

(DB has a stogroup)

Same path as associated table..\*.idx and ..\*.ptr Same sto-name as the database's stogroup DBname to which associated table belongs Index space name is same as index name
Index Tablename


Same path as associated table..\*.idx and ..\*.ptr Sto-name you enter DBname to which associated table belongs Index space name is same as index name